Mommy was right!

Mar 17, 2010

It is sort of difficult to be very private now a days... with all the social networking we do. Sure you control privacy levels....but in reality you cant truly be innominate.
And that's why I personally believe that  "anonymity is the new fame". If you can actually hold on to it!

Internet and its powerful. I would suppose say for instance, your friends on facebook or some more such, make for a good clue on your personality...and in totality your individual information can make for a good " social signature".

So all the old rules really do stand...what you mommy told you when you were a kid is as good as gold... be careful of the friends you make, you will be judged by the company you keep!

Its funny, how much ever you do try to progress... things just keep remaining the same.
Unknown said...

Very true...but i think in the end, we are the biggest and perhaps the frequent judge of ourselves.

Nonetheless am up for anonymity!