Jan 31, 2014

I’ve been away and not writing…mostly for not feeling like it…just one of those short phases when the mind and body don’t agree on things. 
I’ve been mostly under the weather…nothing serious- but good enough to keep me edgy and distracted,   which is inherently never a nice thing to happen as I become way too cranky. But have to group all of me to gather …give myself a pep talk and humbly respect the mind and the body to co-operate as being “ME” is a team game after all! Which is why I miss working out...it’s an excellent opportunity to get both the sides to work together. You know something like -when talk does not work; some action might get you the co-operation.

But I’ve been told not to work out for the time being…and it crushes me not to be able to do it…but sometimes, you just have to listen to folks because it also reflect how much you value them as well…and who knows in the process they might know better. It’s not very often I listen …I’m pretty head strong and opinionated  about views…but then I can’t play that out every time as time has as made me realize…

It’s always team work, you may or may not know it…but in some way or the other we are all connected and whatever we do in our lives is directly or indirectly a result of someone helping us along the way ( even if helping meant not helping) …knownst to them or us or unbeknownst to them or us….

Life is a beautifully tapestry …woven by many a threads together.

But I digress…

So essentially when you don’t have the mind and body team play…its very unsettling…I tend to get distracted easily, there is no stillness in me. There is no concentration...there is very little ability. And usually when there is such tumult …some good creativity emerges…which looks like sacks of coal…but if you can get yourself together and polish those coals…who knows…a diamond in the rough!

Speaking of diamonds in the rough …I miss my Disney Movies …sigh. I love Alladin!

And speaking of Movies…I saw Her a few weeks ago…and I simply loved it…it’s a deeply melancholic, thought provoking and a tad unsettling of a probable future possibility. It is also a story about  the search for a soul mate…no matter how improbable the idea of that soul mate maybe . The premise of the story makes the possibility of the concept relatable….it’s almost poetic.

Joaquin Phoenix in the lead role is just amazing…he plays these emotionally challenged, slightly dysfunctional…or even deeply soulful roles so realistically.