Feb 7, 2014

This is just one of my random writings…my hand was a bit itchy and mostly because I liked the quote. 

I love Maria Popova…on a dull wry moody day…she is my shot of “sensible” reading. So , on my daily jaunts I read a very pertinent quote by Italo Calvino- so apt for me: 

“I used to lie awake at night brooding over problems that came up during the day. It kept me from sleeping, it was not enjoyable, and most importantly, I never arrived at a solution for anything — a remarkably effective way to be miserable.” 

I am an obsessive compulsive worrier – and so freaked out at times…that if I were to watch me from a distance- I would be very worried for me…and probably laugh at myself… 

Part of the problem…is that we take things way too seriously – I know I take life and every aspect of it way too seriously…it’s something inherently wired into me…a consequence of being over practical and realistic…a bit too realistic. It’s not got me anywhere -all this worrying and comparing and not living the moment…every time. And what always gets my goat is that I can’t lose it like ever…like never…even though I know it’s bad… can’t iron this out of me. 

But I also have got say for one…that sometimes…being this crazy makes me super agile when it is possible to be agile …so there is a plus but the payoff is totally NOT worth it. It’s like my love for “Bergs” burger…damn delicious- but ridiculously calorie dense. Or mocha coffee…so inviting…but a bad a very habit for me (something specific to me). Worrying is a BAD habit. The baddest of bad !