Quitting at 40

Apr 21, 2015

Chanced upon this interesting article in the papers today...

and I could not help but shoot back my no cent worth of view ( simply because I've thought so much about it myself...duh! ) so here is what I wrote... 

In an age when everyone ( ok- well quiet a few of us) are thinking how do I "work less and live more" - your article came in at an interesting juncture.

I admit - I am awfully guilty of thinking like this and while I don't endorse "sun bathing" for life after 40...I do believe its an apt age to consider a "second career"- for those - who for some reason are not following their dreams as yet ( to write, to paint, to build that next amazing car etc etc" ). And you have Mr. Money Mustache as an example - though getting even close enough  might be a bit of a challenge....positive examples reinforcing those inviting thoughts :) 

Or have simply maxed out! *

But more than anything- I think whats pertinent is gauging why are folks thinking like this?
Im not so sure if its just the rat race , or chasing some self actualization needs ( which I dont condone- each one to his own) - and I think folks do appreciate  challenges - after all , like you point out- thats what leads to progress ( wrestling complexities ) .

I think there is probably something more subjective at play - maybe it could be the lack of "joy" (* not in the same vein of karoshi- because you can be overworked and still be very much in love) and the arduous attempt to find it in our daily life ? or maybe on account of some epiphany wanting to make your Life count in some way...?

Most of us- begin with so much promise - that awesome job post graduation, the thrill of accomplishment- the joy of bringing back bread and then suddenly you realize that all that awesome eustress has transformed into its ugly sibling ( i've seen it happen so often) bringing along with it  super late nights, meaningless  email banter, zero social life ( or a state of being physical present, mentally absent at social occasions) ...clogged arteries ( i happen to know some one who is possibly just about 30yr and has his arteries clogged, awaiting a bypass as I write - and no he is not one of those folks who junks on food).

There can be so many versions of this- some harsher some milder ...but the point is - Life as we seem to know it or live ( vs what Life should be) is way convoluted and its not easy to change mindsets or circumstances that lead to our thinking even if one wanted to...

So , I ask whats the harm in ducking off after 40? It might be to reinvent ourselves...a sabbatical does have it charm..."achieving an emotional and possibly intellectual wellbeing" maybe till the next venture which could just be around the bend ( ok! ok! im an optimist) , and which like you say "might stretch us into a better version of ourselves". :)

* bits added after shooting off the first time.

image credit google